
How I'd Like to Live Today...New Orleans Edition

by - January 14, 2014

My birthday is in a couple weeks and I'm going to celebrate by spending a couple of days in a city that I have dreamed of visiting FOREVER... New Orleans.  

Yes.  I'm so excited...I have never been but, all my favorite movies are filmed there...I have romanticized about this city forever...the colors, the sounds, the flavors, the people the art...I just feel like it's city for me.  So today, I pulled together a post all about my romanticized notion of what I think New Orleans is all about...I'll let you know how correct I am  or not when I return...

Dream bathroom...I'm staying at a Bed & Breakfast in the Garden District...and a bathroom like this would be perfect.

Pantone color for 2014...Radiant Orchid or purple if your nasty...
I imagine homes furniture with old furniture in modern ways...kinda like my place.

sidebar...I have seen and passed up on this coffee table twice in the thrift store...sigh.  Next time I see it, I may have to get it...

Can't wait to install my birthday hair...Big hair...don't care.

I imagine a fly New Orleans sister living like this...more of that Radiant Orchid done right...sigh.  Makes me wanna clean up...for real.

I imagine, men who look like gentlemen...New Orleans Style Blogger  and photographer L. Kasimu Harris
Check out this blog here

I can't wait to see the art in New Orleans...I hope it's everywhere...

I will wear a skirt everyday on my trip...I'm heading to the fabric store...if it ever stops raining in NYC.

and food...Sigh.  I can't wait.  I'm not the biggest seafood fan...I know, New Orleans and not a seafood fan...why bother?  Well, I will be eating things like frog legs...YUM!  My dad was from St. Louis by way of Mississippi and he always ate strange food when I was a kid...strange by good.  I'm an Aquarius baby, nothing scares me...the stranger the better.
You can make them at home... recipe here .

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  1. New Orleans! My FAVORTIE city! You.will.have.a.ball!!!

  2. sounds fun! yeah, n.o. definitely has a lot going on for enjoyment. you'll likely really enjoy it. I had to lough at the idea of you "installing" your bday hair! never heard it put that way, teehee! :)

    1. Hey lady...lol. Yes, my birthday hair will be in full effect...lol.

  3. I have never been to New Orleans but do plan on visiting soon!

  4. I can't wait to get there this Summer (heat will be crazy, but hey, that's my time of year!) Come back with MAJOR details! I'm depending on you! LOL!

    1. Hey Moni, yeah...that July heat will not be cute...smile. I think the high will be around 72 degrees when I'm there...not to rub it in or anything...and you know I'm coming back with tons of photos and suggestions...got you.

  5. Thanks Sing...do you have any recommendations on where to eat?

  6. I love New Orleans!! I go once a year. Enjoy the food, the sites and the music. I recommend checking out the bands "Soul Rebels" and "Rebirth Bass Band", lunch at Commander's Palace Restaurant (reservations recommended), Sazerac Bar inside of the The Roosevelt hotel,The Carousel Bar & Lounge (yes the bar has a carousel) at the Hotel Monteleone French Quarter, and the French 75 Bar at Arnaud's Restaurant. The famed bartender Chris Hannah works there, and if he is working, he may give you a tour of the restaurant:) Enjoy your trip.

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