

SOUL PRETTY, the creative interior design firm has been identified with cultural sophistication since its inception seven years ago.  It is rapidly emerging as a respected resource for discriminating patrons who seek unusually fine home furnishings and accessories that are an expression of their culture.  Award winning designer, Donna Haymore, owner and founder of SOUL PRETTY, New York designs the funk-tional yet artistic interior spaces and furnishings.

While the focus at SOUL PRETTY is on funk-tional design, the classic timeless quality of a well-designed room and products sets SOUL PRETTY apart from other interior design firms.   Unlike the others, we will design your space without throwing out everything you own.  We promise to make your space more funk-tional using what you already own.

DONNA HAYMORE is a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York.  She has worked for some of the most prestigious Interior Design and Architectural Firms in New York City.  Donna is the proud parent of a beautiful young lady, Hunter, a freshman at Spelman College who fuels her creativity everyday.  They reside in Queens, New York.

Contact Donna Haymore at dbmore@hotmail.com

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