
Manifest Wednesday...

by - September 07, 2011

Hello everyone...sorry I'm a couple days late with posts...UGH!  I told you on Friday I wasn't feeling well...and it went all into the weekend...melancholy.  All the 911 coverage on tv here in NYC is really making me sad...and the first anniversary of my brother's death is next week...sigh.  I don't really like remembering the day that people pass away...I like to remember the days they lived.  I'm going to do a giveaway in honor of two of my biggest fans, my brother and a young lady I knew named Tara who died on 911 just going to work in the Twin Towers...stay tuned.

In the mean time I really need to do some manifesting...
SHABBY CHIC...let's just say Rachel Ashwell was my first mentor...not really.  But I watched her t.v. show on the Style Network regularly...even setting my clock on the weekend to catch it when they moved it to the early morning...I recently purchased a dvd of her show on Amazon.  Her sucessful lifestyle empire is exactly what I'd like Soul Pretty to become...

...you can even dress shabby chic...I heart this girls blog...too bad I can't find the link...sad face...
Thanks you Sewl Sista #1 blog for sending me the link to this lovely ladies blog...Check her out at  Crafty Girl Living
...we all know how much I love a white bedroom...and now that Mini starts High School tomorrow...I'll  get back to making over my bedroom...promise.
Ohhhh...I can just imagine myself sitting in my warehouse surrounded by all the wonderful things that keep flying off the shelf...
...I'd come home to this kitchen...where Mini and her friends would be looking for something to eat...Just like this morning.  Mini's girlfriend slept over last night...teenagers are so hungry...smile.
...I'd head to the backyard for a little coffee and blogging...
OMG...Who can work with a pool like this?
...I'm still looking for a dresser...I love the finish on this one.
...That's me...well, not really but you know what I mean, I'm manifesting...having a design meeting with my staff.
...chairs, chairs, dining room chairs...where are you?  Love these.

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  1. *Saving* that kitchen. BTW the pretty lady is from http://www.craftygirlliving.com/2011/04/inspired-by-series-shabby-chic.html, love her blog and LOVE yours too! Thanks for keeping me inspired.

  2. Oh it is so going to happen for you. I really feel it.

    Continue to think big.

    Rachel has been an inspiration for many. I remember an old friend(he passed away years ago) but he was inspired by her also.

    He found a small space in the city(about 400 square feet) and he filled it with all the wonderful things he had in his home. His store became his second home.

    But...people bought everything, one personal thing he designed or thrifted at a time. And as each piece disappeared he replaced it with more. That's how he started and then folks wanted him to come and decorate their homes.

    Ronnie(bless his heart) was at the top of his game.

    He loved his life, one item, one day at a time.

  3. Sandra, thank you so much for sharing the memory of your friend...I really, really appreciate it.

  4. Luv the pics...and Habakkuk 2:3
    makes it plain.
    Luv your vision!!!


Live the life you dream about...I dare you.

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