
How to kill time this weekend...Fall Nesting Continues...

by - September 19, 2014

I am knee deep in chaos here at the Soul Pretty Casa...Getting my home ready for the "nesting season"...this Monday is the first day of fall...and I would like to enjoy every bit of my favorite season without thinking about cleaning up... 
So, as I continue to move things around and put things away...take out my winter curtains and clothes...put away summer things...I do occasionally suffer from creativity block...and when I do I usually look to the internet for inspiration. I came across this YouTube channel during one of those moments...It's called L.E.A.F. it stands for living, eating and fashion. What's better than that? Nothing in my book...any who...Go ahead and explore their channel...and have a great weekend.

Live the life you dream about...I dare you.

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  1. I have to say that the information here was the most complete that I found anywhere. I am definitely bookmarking this to come back and express later. kata kata mutiara


Live the life you dream about...I dare you.

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