
Fall - Time to Nest

by - September 16, 2014

Fall is just a couple of days away...You know what that means at the Soul Pretty Casa...Nesting.
I'm donating tons of stuff to charity this week...to make room for all the wonderful stuff I'm seeing but not buying while on my weekly thrifting missions.

Here I have compiled a couple of inspiration images to help me along the way to cozy...

Huge lampshades are in abundance at the thrift store...always covered in an old, ugly fabric...
Why not remove the fabric and expose the frame...just like this...Hum.  May give it a try.

I purchased a replica of this chair a few years ago for my birthday...and have yet to have it displayed properly...it sits in a corner...sad.

This room...sigh.  I have two similar plants on my terrace...This image has inspired me to put one in my bedroom when I bring them inside for the winter.  Also, the bedspread reminded me that I have a very similar one somewhere...must find.

I have posted this photo before...I just love the colors...

I have a mannequin and I don't know where to put it...
Why not in the kitchen?  
I don't see why not...I'll try it...

You know how much I love an ecclectic, boho room...this is my favorite...and I have a DIY idea for a table that I have...I'd love to transform it into something similar to this African Drum Table.
Stick around to see how my space comes together..

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