
Do we still have time to decorate?

by - December 20, 2013

Well, my week has been crazy...  My Mini was in the hospital with a lung infection (she is now on the mend) missed the last week of school before the break...UGH!  One of my best friends suffered an aneurysm and emergency brain surgery (she is also on the mend)...sigh.  So what's a girl to do when her nerves are shot?  Make snowflakes of course.  Remember arts and crafts in grade school...yep...I'm taking you back...way back.  I started making them and I couldn't stop...they are so easy and inexpensive to make...This is a DIY that can be done tonight...with your kids...while watching a holiday movie...all you need are scissors and printer paper...that's it.

I'll be putting up a photo backdrop in my living room...I'm hosting the annual Christmas Eve gathering and I thought it would be fun to take pics in front of a snowflake backdrop...kinda like this little baby...

Look at all this goodness...
I cut so many...each one different.
I even used leftover wrapping paper...

Now, if you are feeling a bit more ambitious...try using gold dots...like these chicks...LOVE.  I'm just too lazy for all that...
But, so cute...I can't wait to take pics...stay tuned...

FYI...It's supposed to be 60 degrees in NYC this weekend...WTF!

Hey, just in case you forgot how to make them...here's a tut...

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  1. I actually did this one year for my front door decoration, I had forgotten how much I liked doing this in school. I like your backdrop idea for the inside of the house, but I'm too lazy. I don't even have a tree up...smh...

  2. I want to start doing more DIY projects this year. I did make myself a pair of the Dior Mise en Dior earrings from a pearl kit I purchased. They were pretty easy, though and I get lots of compliments on them! I'm sorry to hear about Mini and your friend. :-( Wishing all of you a great holiday season and a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year!! Huggz.

  3. Wow....I remember making those snow flakes in elementary! Sending prayers for a speedy recovery for your Mini and best friend. My son underwent back surgery this year and my nerves were shot as well, so I really know the feeling. Be well!

  4. Gorgeous to see these interior design . Thanks a lot for shared .
    Checkout my latest blog about How to get the interior designing done for a Hotel?


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