
Christmas Came Early This Year...Thrift Haul

by - December 13, 2013

I had a strong urge to visit the thrift store yesterday...I didn't want to go...it was cold...and really...I have enough stuff to sell.  I gave into the urge and went anyway...so glad I did!  I hit the mother load!  ...and yes, Virginia...there is a Santa Claus...and he donates all the bad peoples presents to the thrift store...lol.

...No, these items came from good people...I can tell...only good people collect such things...and then take the time to donate them instead of throwing them out...and if you are about to throw out something someone else can use....don't!  Donate it...these stores make money from your donations and that money helps fund programs in your community...For my spirit it's a win, win...

Now, back to what I purchased yesterday...

3...three...three...killim pillows....vintage...sigh.  I won't get into how I was going to Ikea to see their new line of killim pillows...and by chance (nothing is really by chance) found these instead...I paid just $3.00 for each one...they usually run between $45.00 - $700.00...check here if you don't believe me...
My home is on it's way to being this stunning...sigh

Next, I found this vintage??? Not sure if it's vintage...it looks new...but, I lovvvvve it anyway...cutting board for just $1.45...sigh.  I heart the people pricing my items at the local thrift store...
I will use it for it's practical design of cutting...but, mostly I will use it as a photo styling tool for my Etsy shop...like this.

Next up...sigh.  Another macrame plant holder...sigh...$2.49. 
 Good thing for me my ceilings have steel beams running through them...making screwing very difficult...or else these things would be hanging everywhere...I love them...always have...even when I was a little girl...I would try to make them...never successful though...

if you would like to try and make your own (I may try again) ...that's the link. 

I feel like this is my Christmas gift from the universe...only it knows the items I secretly lust over daily...and it delivered!   Just $12.00 was spent...Thank you!

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