
What are you doing New Years Eve? Got a vision ...make it happen.

by - December 30, 2013

So...tomorrow is New Years Eve!  I don't know about you guys, but I love New Years Eve.  I can remember running the streets of NYC with my friends as a teenager...getting into all the craziness...I also remember all the New Years Eve dates I've been on some good...some not so good...One of my favorite New Years was spent with my girlfriend and her family...she had just installed a hot tub in backyard in New Jersey...the house was full of friends, food and family and kids...and we spent the entire night running in and out of the cold winter air into the hot tub...sigh.  Good times.

I used to be of the understanding that you MUST bring in the New Year with your love or that love will end...ha, ha, ha...I was such a silly girl...

Ladies, no people...if you are listening...don't believe the hype...and please don't bring in the New Year with someone who has no desire to be with you completely...You will just drag that energy into the new year...and who needs that?

I have a better idea...why not spend New Years Eve dreaming and creating a life you can really love?  By making a dream/vision board...What's a vision board?

I've compiled some examples for you...

A dream board is when you compile images and words from magazines that describe or show things that you want in your life...for example, if you want LOVE...cut out images of loving couples...If you want MONEY...cut out images of wealth...etc....paste them onto a board or paper and hang it where you can see it everyday as a reminder of your dreams and desires.

You'll need a couple of magazines, scissors and glue...go out and get them today if you don't have them...

I love this example...I like how all the things she wants are coming from her mind...I think I'll make one like this...

Vision boards don't have to be a big deal...they can be as simple as this board...just hang things that make you happy or that you want more of in your life.

I came across this video while doing my research...It's wonderful and she really breaks down the power and mystery of vision boards...

If you don't have magazines...I know you have a pencil and paper...why not try this...

Vision boards can be very personal...I like to hang mine where I can see it everyday...but, not everyone else... If your board is seen by someone negative...they can talk you out of your desires...Don't expose your vision to haters!

I love this example...of how to hang a board...Look at it everyday and say "YES"...I will have that.

Why not gather all your friend over...make drinks and food...pump up the tunes and get to cutting...visions are powerful.

This would be a good idea for couples too...You and your partner sitting together...cutting and discussing what you want to see happen in your lives in 2014...How romantic!

Don't forget your kids...get them in the act to...what do they want in 2014?  Better grades, new Nikes, more freedom...Let them know the sky's the limit...

O.K...there you have it...the alternative to another New Years Eve that does nothing for your future.  I know what I'll be doing...See you next year!

2014...Let's go!

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  1. I just decided last night that I'm doing a vision board. Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas. I'm so excited. This will be my first ever vision board. 2014 is going to be EPIC!!

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Live the life you dream about...I dare you.

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