
Another Netflix Pick...

by - August 05, 2011

...So, here is another Netflix recommendation.  Jill Scott is wonderful in The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.  It originally aired on HBO.  Now you can order it from Netflix.  It is not on instant.  :-(.  It is well worth the wait via mail.  Jill Scott is a detective (I know what your thinking...but don't.  I thought the same thing.) in Botswana, Africa...It's funny, clever, relevant and beautifully shot with wonderful music.  Mini and I just finished watching the first disc last night while sitting on the terrace.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  Enjoy your weekend.

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  1. neve4r seen it---would love to though---hope you and ms. mini have a great weekend!!!

  2. Love that show!! My husband anf I have been watching it on Netflix too!! :) Love Jill Scott in this role

  3. Hey guys...thanks for commenting...I can't believe this show is off the air...

  4. I loved that show so much. I have seen all of the episodes several times. the whole series was on the OnDemand for HBO last weekend. I am in Jersey so I am not sure about other areas.

  5. Talk about good for the soul ! I loved the acting and the location. I loved the accents, and I loved the love story...
    HBO had the series on demand, and I watched it one Saturday, and then I watched it again. I too hope they bring it back


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