
Awesome sale this weekend...

by - February 21, 2011

You gotta love the internet...this weekend I was browsing...keyword "mongolian pillow" and low and behold google sent me to www.bedbathandbeyond.com where the pictured mongolian pillows are on sale for....wait for it....................$9.99...Yep!  I was about to order them when I saw a little button that said, "see if it's available in your store"...I clicked and yep, they were available in my store...which happens to be about 8 minutes from my apartment...so I hoped in the car and made my way to the store...only to find out that the pillows were $29.99 in the store...their original price...UGH!  I kindly took three pillows to the customer service desk...explained how I saw them on their website for $9.99 and viola...the pillows were mine...just $9.99 each...happy birthday to me...

I heart the pillows, so much so...I  was inspired to take photos of my bedroom...Remember the pieces I purchased from the Salvation Army last summer and painted white...I had no idea what I would do with them...Hum, they found the perfect home...in my bedroom.  The flowers are fake...$1.00 each from the dollar store...LUV.  It's been a while since I've been to the Army...must try to make it there this week...Oh yeah, I painted Mini's bed black...looks great...stay tuned.

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  1. I heart your entire apartment, but I'm really loving what you do with your finds and these pillows rock! I'm thinking it's time to start thinking of Brimfield again...

  2. LUV! I LUV UR STYLE & DECOR selections.....LUV


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