
The Versatile Blogger Award...

by - October 15, 2010

Thank you Sing... A very fashionable blogger from Chicago...

I'm honored...I was asked to tell 7 things about myself that you may or may not know...Hum, smile.
Here goes...

1.  I've never had a roommate...until now... My Mini...I came how a couple a days ago to find that she had eaten a piece of cake that I had hidden...UGH!  Roommates...lol.
2.  I like blind dates...unlike 1st, 2nd or 3rd dates...you didn't pick the person and they didn't pick you...so no pressure...you can really be yourself...
3.  If I knew I couldn't fail, I would adopt at least 2 more kids...
4.  I have a mad crush on Spike Lee...an outspoken, artistic, family man...need I say more?
5.  I once went on a date to the Bahamas...Yep, one day/overnight...lunch on the beach, dinner, dancing,  XXX, breakfast and home...It doesn't get better than that in my book.
6.  People are always stopping to tell me how much I look like the actress, Pam Grier...It's a running joke among my friends...smile.

7.  I once dated a guy so young, he had no idea who Pam Grier is...He was so cute.

So there you have it.  Now I'm an open book...lol.

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  1. that date definitely sounds like a great time to me...

  2. That was good stuff. I needed that laught today. thanks!


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