
Pics of my winter Livingroom

by - October 15, 2010

 I've been warming up my decor...making new drapes...switching out artwork...moving a few things around and I'm done with the living room...here it is...I'm loving it...Mini said it feels like a house not an apartment...I just need to find a nice area rug for the living room floor...

View from the front door...

My t.v....now you see it...

...now you don't...I painted this IKEA armoire this spring...I would like to show you the B4...but, blogger is on my nerves.
...remember when I painted this puppy white...luv it...again, I would like to show the B4, but blogger sucks...

this puppy was painted white too...If your really interested in the b4 & after photos check my archives...I think it happened in the spring of 2010

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  1. This is gorgeous! I like! The apartment look calm peaceful and organized. My kind of look! : )

  2. What a great look! Mini's right. I wouldn't guess it was an apartment versus a house. Have a great weekend!

  3. I love it!!! I wish had a talent for decorating, but with my kids they'd probably tear it up anyway.

  4. Love, love,love. I'm just afraid of white with a 3yr old. But you make it look so warm and inviting.

  5. Never-eva have I seen a RV apartment look so FAB!

  6. mmm...so cozy and inviting.

    great designing. but, of course!


  7. I treks painting some furnitures white but the out cone was so poor. Urs look great! How did u get that result. The livi g room is so lovely.


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