
New Headboard - DIY

by - January 28, 2014

I have been busy...updating my bedroom...if you follow me on Instagram you already know that...here are a couple of shots of my headboard DIY...
It's just a piece of plywood that I picked up at HomeDepot for around $20.00...I had them cut it down to queen headboard size...don't remember the exact measurements...but, if you want to make on...just measure the width of your bed...the height can be as tall or as short as you like...mine is pretty tall...of course this is just a cheap, temporary place holder for the real vintage headboard that I'm holding out for...I know I'll find one in the thrift store soon...but, until then...this will do... 

 I'm not done...it needs a little white paint...gotta get some...

Remember my inspiration????

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