
Do you believe in coincidences?

by - October 18, 2013

I have had this sewing machine for about 10 years...about 5 years ago it stopped working...so much was going on in my life at that time I never got around to fixing it...My mom had a very similar machine and was always after me to get mine fixed...she even gave me the number of a repair guy who makes house calls...I tucked that piece of paper away for one day...

Fast forward to a couple of days ago...I'm home purging stuff...lots of stuff...when I look at this machine that has been sitting in my kitchen...broken for at least five years when I decided it had to go...I wanted to donate it...I get like that sometimes...everything must go!

One night while cleaning out a couple of junk drawers...I took a few boxes of garbage down stairs for the trash...when I got back on the elevator to return to my apartment there was a single sheet of torn paper on the floor...Hum, there was a number written in my handwriting...AVI Sewing...

Hum...of all the things that could have fallen out of that box...I thought that was weird...so I picked it up and usually I can procrastinate with the best of them...but, I had an overwhelming need to call the number on the paper...could this really be the number my mom gave to me over 5 years ago...the sewing machine repair guy?  Nah...and if it was, how did it happen to be the only thing that fell out of my box of trash?  I had to know...

So I called the number right then and there...a man answered with a thick European accent...I asked if he repaired sewing machines...he said, "yes at one time but not anymore"  ...I said "oh, ok thank you"...feeling a little disappointed...when he said, "but I know someone who still repairs machines, would you like his number...?"

Got chills yet?  Smile...

I said, "yes, please."  Fast forward to today...a week later Jacob, the repair guy came to my apartment and repaired my 100 year old sewing machine...sigh.  Its running like new...he said it's an excellent machine...do not get rid of it.

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole experience...Did my mom not want me to get rid of this machine...or is the universe trying to tell me something...

Either way, you can't make this stuff up...there are no coincidences.

In honor of my mom I made a quick pillow today...just to test out the machine...I'll call it, the "Daisy" pillow...thanks mom...RIP.

Go ahead, live the life you always dreamed of...I dare you.

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  1. Yes, I do. I'm glad your sewing machine lives on, just like your relationship w/your mom. Last week I posted about an owl that came to my yard on the eve of mom's birthday (she passed away in April). It was her favorite bird and it's the first time I've ever seen an owl in nature - no less my yard.

    1. Hi Notting Hill, thank you so much for sharing your story...It's very comforting knowing I'm not the only one who believes...smile...Have a great weekend.

  2. Its so wonderful that you went with your gut and got it repaired! It looks dreamy! I have three vintage sewing machines that need to be repaired and one new one that has only been turned on a couple times. My mom has a sewing machine a lot like yours that she keeps trying to give me but I don't have anywhere to store it. I wish I really knew how to sew!

    1. Hi Lesley,

      I can't believe you don't sew...you seem like a sewing...designer...I know you have a great eye for vintage...you should look up a couple of sewing ladies on youtube...they make really easy to follow cool sewing tutorials...I'll post a few if I remember next week. If I don't just remind me...

  3. Wonderful story - there is no chance; this was the Universe speaking! Please pass the sewing machine down to Hunter and so on so on. Make this your family heirloom. Write the story of the machine along with this experience. Place in a time capsule with some little items that you have sown with the machine. Your daughter can open it when she has her first daughter.

    1. Hi...that is such a beautiful idea...think I'm going to do it...thank you.

  4. No I don't think it was time to give up on that machine...li l

  5. No I don't think it was time to give up on that machine...li l


Live the life you dream about...I dare you.

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