Black Girls Travel

by - January 15, 2013

I love idea of women going on travel adventures...So when I heard that my blog friend, Sing would be touring Rome, Italy this year I just had to do a post about a website I ran across...It's all about Black women and travel...tons of tips and resources are on the, if your interested in your own excursion or just want to live vicariously through others...check it out.

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  1. A friend of mine just went with them or is getting ready to go with them to Dubai either this month or next. She's taken their Italy trips and the Paris trip. I plan on using them when I go to Paris or Italy next year (now that I'm saving for it!) :)

    She loved it. I would say since she's going to Dubai, it's becoming an annual thing.

    1. Hey Moni, I totally forgot to shout you out in my video...Glad to see you are doing well...and saving for a big go girl...

  2. I always wanted to do a travel trip with other females but I hear horror stories and I like to be as free as a bird, so it wouldnt work out for me to travel with a large group. LOL

    1. Hey Tami, I feel the same way...I want to do it...but, I'm really funny about who I travel with...there are very few people that fit in that category...I need to be free, maybe you and I should travel

  3. ...Hey Sing, let me know if it helps...with the packing and what to see...


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