

by - December 19, 2012

Hello guys, just stopped by the blog to check in and let you know I'm still working on things in blog land...I've been a very, very, very good girl this year and it looks like Santa is blessing me with a NEW camera...Yeah!  Stay tuned.

I didn't want to leave you guys hanging too long...here are a few snaps (my old camera) of what's been going on around here...
that's my sofa...I still love it...even though I saw a long, blue velvet, 3 seater in the thrift store last week...sigh.  It was just a little too well loved...if you know what I mean...
I tie dyed this pillow case and a few others...love how they turned out.

 I got new "happy hair for the holidays"...

My Mini was inducted into the National Honor Society...Proud.

....the thrifting doesn't stop...I found the best belt ever...

It's the holiday's...Mini and I are baking, decorating and getting ready to celebrate with family and friends...

 ...this is my Christmas Wish to all of you...L.O.V.E.
Tell someone you love them TODAY!
Thank you for sticking with me...See you next year!

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  1. So glad to see you aren't stopping the blog. I've missed all the inspiration I get from your posts. Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Jess...I really appreciate your support...I'll be back in the new year, better than ever...Merry Christmas.

  2. yeah! merry christmas. and i too am glad you're not stopping your blog. i know it's hard to keep up with everything, i feel it too alot of the time. have a merry christmas and a happy new year! p.s. love both of your hair styles, so pretty ;)

    1. Thank you lady...I hope all is well with you and your family. Have a Merry Christmas.

  3. Happy Holiday to both of you and your family.
    Really miss you. Can't wait until next year.
    Great pictures.
    Love your hair and thrift finds ...
    Congrats to Mini...

    1. Hey Sandra, miss your comments and encouragement too...I'm looking forward to the new year...Be well, we'll talk soon. Happy holidays.

  4. Happy Holidays to you and Mini (congrats!).

    I've missed you! Glad you're coming back! :)

    1. Hey Moni, long time...How are things going...? I just got my new camera...WOW! I'll be back...with better pics...

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks girl...Mini said, I look like that old singer, you know, Rick James...LOL>

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Tami,

      Happy holidays to you and yours...I hope you have a peaceful, bless filled Christmas.

      P.s...did I see you on an episode of AHW? ...at Nene's party? I screamed...that's my blogger friend....lol. You looked good. ttyl.

  7. Congrats to Mini and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both. Enjoy! <3

  8. Hi Tina,

    I hope all is well...sending you warm wishes for the holiday.

  9. aahh! it's been too long. your blog always brings me peace, happiness, and just a good feeling inside. :-)

    you two are beautiful. congrats to mini!

    happy 2013!

  10. Hey we miss you, hope all is well, I keep checking back daily...


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