The Storm has Passed...

by - November 01, 2012

Mini and I just wanted to drop in and thank everyone for your well wishes as we rode out hurricane Sandy...Not too much damage in my immediate neighborhood...the power is still out...and not coming back for at least another 5 days...subway service is limited...buses are running on a regular schedule...if you want to take your life into your hands and can get gas and drive into Manhattan you must have at least 3 people in your car in order to cross the bridge...Big box stores and the mall in my neighborhood are all electricity...schools have been closed all week...hopefully they will open next week...Mini has cabin fever and went out last night with her friends family for a little halloween party at their church...sigh.  All in all...we made it through the storm.

...but one of our favorite places in New York did not...this is our beach, Long Beach, LI...devastated by Hurricane more broad floated into the sea...just horrible...

here are some pics of Mini and I on Long Beach this past summer...sigh.  Good times...we love this's going to take a miracle to rebuild...stay tuned.

they hold a street fair on the broad walk twice a year...sigh.

...remember the beach front condos...yeah...gone.

That was then...this is now.
Be well...

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  1. I'm so thankful you and Mimi are safe!!! I know the emotions you have right now seeing everything is indescribable, again so thankful you and Mimi a safe and sound hugs. I'll be thinking of you both.

  2. Sing said it right: unbelievable...
    So glad to hear from you and know that you, Mini and your family are safe.
    Gosh it must be difficult to see places you've known all your life come to this...

  3. My heart goes out to you guys. :( How very sad to see places that you love here one day and gone the next. Continue to be safe out there. Wow. The imagery is just crazy.

  4. hey you guys, just wanted to say i was thinking of you both and all of you in new york, new jersey. i live on cape cod in massachusetts and we were hit with the wind end of the storm, little damage if anything compared to what you all went through. i hope this weekend you can find a few minutes to breathe, sip some wine or coffee and be ok ;)

  5. Glad you guys are ok...although there are no words for the heartbreak of all your familiar places being taken away. I remember the 89 earthquake in SF and how devastating it was to visit familiar places that no longer were there. Hang in there. Thank God you guys are ok

  6. great to read that the both of you made it through safely!

    after seeing a lot of things destroyed by hurricane katrina down here in new orleans and the mississippi gulf coast be rebuilt over the years--massive structures that seemed irreparable--i wouldn't be surprised if over time the boardwalk and those condos were put right back up.

    it's pretty amazing, though, how something you're so familiar with and are so used to having at your access can be destroyed so suddenly.

    wishing a speedy recovery to all!

  7. For some reason you fell off of my blog list and I could not find you! I am following you now on bloglovin. Glad to read you are both ok and doing well. I was concerned!!

  8. I'm glad to hear that you are safe and Mini! I remember when we had an ice storm a few years ago here in Atlanta it was horrible and we couldnt get out for a week. Be safe and stay warm!

  9. I worked storm duty for the electric company up here and with all the damage we had it was still so much less than the rest of the east coast suffered. I'm glad the two of you are well and pray for your electric to return soon and that miracle you need for the boardwalk.


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