
The Week in Pics...the weekend before Christmas

by - December 19, 2011

Photos from last weeks radio interview at the hospital...

 ...the birthday girl...

 ...Mini missed a good party...she was with her dad this weekend...the boys had fun...

 I got started on my holiday baking...I'm sending some to friends, making treats for Mini's holiday class party...and making a stack for my Open House on Christmas day...whew!
 My handing mini mixer...The KitchenAid was my last Birthday/Christmas present from my mom.  I know it's silly, but it's hard for me to use it without thinking about her.

 ...first batch of chocolate chip cookies...ran out of sugar and had to make a run to the supermarket mid-bake...UGH!  I hate when that happens.  I almost knocked on my neighbors door and asked for a cup...but, this is NYC after all...
 I love taking photos in the supermarket...it's so colorful...

...finally hung the angel on my door.  I made this when Mini was a baby...it still looks good.  Heart it.

...clean -up...

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  1. Everything looked yummy. The angel is special...

  2. Love this post and those cookies look absolutely delicious.

  3. Whew! I just mailed out 4 boxes of cookies...now on to baking more for Mini's teachers and class...


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