
Thursday's Thought...What's your story.

by - October 06, 2011

The world is a better place because he lived.  Imagine that.  Is the world is a better place because you live...?  
Just imagine, a baby is being born today, who will someday change the world.  That thought blows my mind.

 Steve Jobs
A True American Idol

 ...this man has changed the way we live our lives...One of my wonderful followers, commented on my post yesterday about what I wanted to be when I grew up...by saying, "I bet you never thought you'd be selling things all over the world without leaving your home."  Imagine that.  What's next?  Who's next?  What will our  great-grandchildren's life be like?  I can't imagine....but, someone out there can.

Okay, don't worry, I'm an Aquarius and I could go on and on about the future well into the future.

...he was born, unwanted...became delinquent...broke...was fired...a failure, an unstoppable...DREAMER...Steve Jobs.

"No one wants to die...even people who want to go to heaven, don't want to die to do it."  Steve Jobs
"Our time is limited.  Don't waste your time living someone else's life."   Steve Jobs
"When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone hold your pen."   Unknown

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  1. Your picture clarity is phenomenal.

  2. Thank you Sandra...I just got back from a very successful day at thrifting...finally found my dining chairs...Big Smile...more on that tomorrow.

  3. I loved your post! And your pictures are phenomenal!

  4. Thanks guys...I've been using a different digital camera...


Live the life you dream about...I dare you.

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