
I did it again...

by - August 30, 2011

 ...thrifting that is...I picked up this guy...it was looking lonely and abandoned...all scratched and rusted...nobody wanted it...just my type of project.  I always wanted a serving cart...something I could set up as a bar and wheel it around at a party...Well, now I have one...yeah!
 ...I know it looks crummy.

 ...but after a little frog tape and gold spray paint...
...it now looks like this...pretty...Soul Pretty.

 I was going to take pictures of my cart in all it's glory...but, I was distracted by this guy...homemade pizza...YUM!  I didn't forget about the cinnamon bun recipe...it's coming.

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  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Hope you and Mini are well!

  2. Your ability to see the possibilities in things boggles the mind. Gorgeous. Oh, and that pizza looks great too!

  3. Boy do you have an eye and a creative mind. I need to get some paint in this house. Any recommendations on the types of paint everyone needs around the home and what things to use them for?

  4. Thanks guys...I would buy spray paint...black, white, gold and silver...start there. That way, you can take something outside and change the color at anytime.

  5. hey, we've got the same floors.

    mmm pizza. my homemade ones are usually of the vegan persuasion {no cheese}, but i'm gonna start getting some soy cheese or something for them. every time i see yummy pics like this, i want that texture!

    nice touch to the cart!


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