Fly Girls...

by - June 15, 2011

...Lately I've been giving my hair a break, I usually wear a weave or braids...It's been over 3 years since I permed.  I'm also trying to encourage Mini's natural hair journey, so I have been wearing my hair natural too...We have become obsessed with natural hair blogs ...these are just a few of my inspirations..., I haven't tried to pull all this hair into a pony tail...but I just had to add Tracie to list...I love her top and jewelry... cool is this?  Using a braid as a headband...LUV!

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  1. you know i gotta put my 2 cents in on this---NATURAL IZ BETTA 4 YA HAIR--look at me!--'nuff said--teeheehee

  2. Love this post!!! I am trying my best to take of my baby girls curls...they are so unique and fabulous!!!!! I want her to rock em to their fullest....always.

  3. My daughter is bi-racial and has this beautiful curly hair. I have this nappy mess that I can't do anything with, but I'm once again about to chop off what's left of the dead perm and go natural. I usually get frustrated when it gets so thick I'm struggling to get a pick through it and I end up perming it. Ugh. Wish me luck.

  4. ooooooh...I like urban bush babes...Thank you.


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