
Color blocked...

by - June 22, 2011

...we want to paint our bathroom in some shocking color...It's a tiny bathroom...the only bathroom...and the paint in the rest of the house is so tame...we really want to go with something bold in the bathroom.

...Right now the bathroom has simple grey and black tile with white walls...

...it was black just like this a couple years ago...so that's out....and we all know how I feel about red...yuck.

...this peachy-orange color is speaking to me...hum?

...Mini loves purple...hum?  ...and she also wants to make this pillow...random.

What do you guys think...you've seen my apartment...any ideas for the bathroom?

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  1. how about hunter green??? i think if styled right it could be fabulous.

  2. Hum...Kera, I was thinking of green...deep hunter green...kinda like a lodge...

  3. Ow, how about pink? A hot, sexy pink...?

  4. I like the peachy orange because you have shades of brown in other parts of your home. Actually the honeysuckle seems like it would work.

    I looked at the honeysuckle picture again and it is a warm color. It appears cool at first. But notice the off white shading. So if there is a honeysuckle with a warm but saturated bright hue that would be pretty.

    Here is a link to a warm honeysuckle...almost like a orange but not quite. I don't know if this is too Orange but if you could just get a little of that hue into your honeysuckle it might tie in with the brown in the home as well but then be a pop of color with the black and white bathroom.

    I'm explaining this like I would know how to create this color...lol...
    but just sharing an idea.

  5. Sandra...love it...I'm really leaning towards pink.

  6. If it were just me and the Muppet I would definitely do black white and pink. I on the other hand adore red, but can't get anyone else in the family to agree to it. hahaha


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