Sneak Peek...

by - February 24, 2011

...this is a sneak peak at Mini's bed makeover...I attached picture hooks to the back of the headboard and hung it on the wall like a picture...that way you get the full effect...none of the headboard is hidden behind pillows...stay tuned.

You know when people ask, "what's a perfect day for you?" I always have to think about it...Well, yesterday was pretty close to perfect...I got up early went to Starbucks..sat down and drank my coffee and collected my thoughts...headed over to HomeGoods where I scored these goodies...YEAH!  Just wait and see what I do with them...then I headed over to my favorite supermarket, Trader Joe's...took my time chatted up my favorite cashier and headed home and made lunch for Mini...turkey burger...Perfect.  So, what's a perfect day like for you?

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  1. so perfect, i love the bed! also love homegoods. i could wander their aisles all day long. ;)

  2. I love Home Goods!! Can't wait to get my bedroom done and make a corner of it into a "Mom Cave." My perfect day would involve shopping, food, books and a movie.

  3. Ohh! Her makeover is going to look great -- what a steal on that mirror!


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