
Where I'd love to live or at least visit today...

by - December 10, 2010

...This is the exact sofa I'd love to have...If I could just break up with my old one...the art on the wall inspires me to paint something...

I once had a pink bedroom...It never looked this good...love.

I love the clean lines of this dining set against the graffiti wall...brilliant.

...Conservative...with just the right amount of personality...I'd like to sit in this room and watch American Idol while eating chinese food...smile.

Makes me wanna clean up my bedroom...which may actually happen this weekend...but not today...tons of doctor's appointments for Mini today...

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  1. what sticks out to me the most is the photo with the small rugs creating a sort of mosaic. I don't know if I ever would have thought of that. but I may steal that idea for one of my rooms.


Live the life you dream about...I dare you.

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