Color Forecast - Turquoise...

by - February 10, 2010

...It looks like it's going to be a turquoise kind of year in decorating...I once spent the entire day painting my living room turquoise on a whem...I could not sleep...I kept waking up looking at the walls thinking, "Did I just do that? Maybe it will look better in the morning." It didn't...and I spent the entire next day repainting the room...Ugh! Won't make that mistake again...but, do accent your room with a little happy turquoise...just don't go'll be sorry...

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  1. Yes! I can picture this as my bedroom. I love the colors!

  2. I love the last picture. I don't usually like the color blue but I love every blue thing in that photo.

  3. FA-BU-LOUS!! The top room is mega glammed out...the touches of turquoise in the other rooms are also extra chic.

  4. he he! i'd do something like that.

    yep, there's just enough in these rooms.


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