More adventures in single motherhood....

by - January 25, 2010

...So, Mini's class had a brownie fundraiser for Haiti on Friday...all the parents in the class (all 8 of us) were asked to bake brownies and the class would sell them for $1.50 a pop. Well, they raised $495.00 bucks....YEAH! Now the local newspaper wanted to come interview the kids today, Monday...the same day Mini had her yearly MRI scheduled...UGH! Being the Leo that she is...there is no way she was going to miss her chance to be in the newspaper...So I was tasked with changing an almost impossible appointment with the MRI department so that Mini could make it to school in time for the interview...She ended up taking the MRI this morning at 7:30 a.m....UGH! Monday, in the pouring rain storm...nice...and the beat goes on...MOM, turned upside down still spells, WOW. Mini better make it into the

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  1. super mom! (but then it sucks to read the teacher was out.)

    yummy looking cookies.

  2. That's amazing! I love how everybody helped out Haiti...There have been fundraisers left and right in Montreal, it's really great.


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