
Today's Musical Selection...AYO - Sometimes

by - March 06, 2009

...sigh, what a week...not sure what's going on, but lots of little things (well not so little, my car, my stove, the lock on my front door) have been breaking this week...and I've had to call on someone I don't really like to call on because of past disappointments...to my surprise, this time they came through every time I needed them...I'm confused...I mean, I'm glad that I can still call on them...but I hate that I still have to call on them...and why are they so helpful? I know, I should just accept the help and move on...don't think about it...I'm trying to do that, but it's not easy...then I heard this AYO and it's sums up how I'm feeling today...don't know about tomorrow...but today I'm feeling like this song...sigh.

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