
Recession Proof Shopping...

by - February 09, 2009

...nothing over 20 bucks...not even the boots...smart fashion shoppers don't waste money on trends...but, at these prices you can still have fun with fashion.

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  1. That gray dress is kickin'...and so is the ruffled shirt...but my big butt is probably not fitting in the former, LOL.

  2. That sweater is very lux looking. And under $20 - WOW!

    I'm with Diva Style. Love the gray dress, but I don't think it will love my big behind.

  3. i've been a fan of your blog for a while, so i said to myself, self why don't you just let her know. so i just wanted to let you know that i love your blog! you have great style and impeccable taste. keep being Fabulous!

    God Bless

  4. Whew...At 39, I'm past the Forever 21 stage. Too old for ruffles, need a little heavier fabrics, nothing too cutesy more sexy. I could wear the shoes though. LOL Cute for you though. :-) sighhhhhh...


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