
Last Night...

by - February 10, 2009

...Mini and I found these pictures last night while listening to the President's press conference...I thought I'd post them here for nostalgia...she's too cute...Mini loves looking at pictures of her as a baby...

...As for our President...I don't know...when I found out President Obama was a Leo I became a little concerned about his personality and how it will affect his ability to govern.
...Let me first say that I consider myself an expert when it comes to Leo's...I have been surrounded by them all my life...and what I know about them is this...

..they want everyone to like them...they will do nothing unless someone will notice and say, "hey, I like that." They don't like confrontation and will not confront you until their back is up against the wall...they need to be the center of the universe...all things good must come from them and everyone must acknowledge that...they will do nothing to upset the apple cart...again, like I said, they need to be liked...

...all of this will be a problem for my President Obama...He will need to learn how to say, "I don't give a F&$k whether you like it our not! ...and why is he on t.v. everyday? (trying to get everyone to like him?) He needs to get it done and move on to the next problem...of which there are many...In my opinion he's spending too much time trying to get everyone on board...it makes him look weak...Ugh!

...As you can tell, I'm just a little frustrated...but, wasn't Mini a cutie?

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  1. yeah, mini was/is a cutie!

    re: president obama's astrology...

    i listen to an internet radio station that has an astrologer on there from time to time, and she expressed sentiments similar to yours. this was back in august when i heard the program. guess we'll have to wait and see how all this turns out. should be interesting...

  2. Honey, I'm a Leo..I agree with your analysis...however...

    There is gonna be a day when it is going to get ugly, and the lion will roar. After that, no turning back. He has this.


    Love your blog!!! :)


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