Can You Believe Mini is 18 and Applying to College - GoFundMe

by - January 30, 2015

Hi guys...long time no post.  Well, just let me tell you...having an 18 year old daughter who is gung-ho on going to college is time consuming.  Most of you know our story and I have had many parenting challenges since before my daughter was getting her into college is just another one.  You know we are up for the challenge.

After a discussion the other night with my best friend about how expensive senior year is...and finding the money needed for college and how it's stressing Mini out...she encouraged to make a GOFUNDME page.  She said surely there are people out there who are inspired by her story and want to help her fulfill her dreams...So after much thought and discuss...we made a page to help raise funds for senior year expenses and freshman college life...

Mini has applied to many schools and has already been accepted to Buffalo State University, Utica College and LaMoyne College.  She is anxiously awaiting responses from Spelman College, Lincoln University, Smith College and Agnes Scott College.

If you have followed my daughters journey and it has touched you in someway...maybe she inspired you through a tough time in your life when you thought about Mini and didn't give up...well, we would really appreciate your help now as Mini continues to not give up following her dreams once again.   Mini is asking for donations to help her pay for her senior trip as well as the freshman year at college.

I know it's not always easy to give up our hard earned dollars, so if you can't donate...please share Mini's story with someone who can...and please share her story with someone who just needs to be inspired!

Thanks you and we love all of you for following along.  You have inspired us as well.

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