
A Big Announcement

by - January 06, 2014

A lot of you guys have been around my blog for a long time and know my story as well as my daughters.  I have blogged about our journey with Sickle Cell Disease and Bone Marrow Transplant here on this blog as well as on Mini's blog.

Today, I am launching what I hope will be the beginning of something really special and I am asking for your support. It's called "HONEY CAPS"...I am selling caps like the one Mini is wearing here...and with each hat sold Mini and I will make and donate a hat to a child in the hospital.  It's really simple and we need your support.

Having a bone marrow transplant is lonely and isolating.  You lose all your hair and you have minimal contact with the outside world for weeks.  Mini and I think these honey caps are just a little more fun than wearing a scarf or a wig...and if people are going to stare at you...(which they do when your finally able to go outside bald) why not give them something to smile at?

If you can't support Honey Caps financially please support us by sharing our idea with your friends and family via your social media contacts.  We will ship worldwide and shipping is free for the first 5 orders.

Please visit our site at HONEYCAPS.BIGCARTEL.COM to purchase a hat for yourself and read more about our journey.

Thanks so much for hanging with Soul Pretty and Mini.  You have no idea how much it means to us.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a wonderful thing to do! You and Mini are such brave, inspiring people. I love this idea and I'm headed over to honey caps now!

    1. WOW! You are the first to order HONEY CAPS...thank you soooo much for always supporting us. Mini and I are so passionate about this... We can't wait to visit the kids in the hospital and give them a cool hat and let them know that people are thinking about them and supporting them and wishing them well...Bless you.

  3. Awesome idea, D! You know I've been reading your blog for some years now and know how you and Mini met the all challenges you've faced with strength and bravery. I will definitely get one for myself and pass on the links to my social media links. Sending you huggz and great success on this venture.


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