This Just In...

by - October 04, 2013

Have you ever come across a photo on the internet that you just love?  Daily...I do daily.  This is my favorite at the moment...a photo of the great, Diana Ross and the wonderful, Sammy Davis Jr...In full Black Hollywood Glamour...

I thought it would look great in my bedroom...good Feng of couples energizes the love energy of the bedroom...(I'll keep you posted on how that works for me)
...anywho, I went to the Walmart website...upload the photo from my library...choose the size of the print I wanted and paid just $7.00 for an 11x14 print.  I got the print in the mail in 5 days...Win.  You can also choose to pick up the print in the store within and hour for an additional fee...

The expression on Diana's face is priceless...I look like this on most dates...not really happy...but, somewhat amused...
Can you write a caption for this photo?

Diana:  I shaved my legs for this?
Sammy Davis:  I just got this suit out the cleaners

Now that all the hard work is done in my bedroom...this weekend is all about styling it...and finding a storage spot for all the items that don't make the cut...stay tuned.

Have a great weekend!

Oh yeah... the photos in an IKEA Ribba Frame...speaking of Ikea...haven't been there in a while...hum?

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  1. Hey Sing...have a great weekend...

  2. I love this photo myself, I've said the look on her face says "Mr. Bojangles my a**!"

    I'm terrible. lol


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