
Feng Shui your Desk Top...and Monday Mornings...

by - April 08, 2013

Happy Monday...How was your weekend?

My weekend was GREAT!...lol.

Mini went on a college tour of Hampton University in Virgina...sigh.

Mama had a very grown and sexy evening...Hey now.

and on Sunday I felt like moving some things around with all that extra energy...

My Etsy site has really picked up...so I decided I really need a dedicated work space.

Now, I could set up a little office space in my bedroom...but, that's bad Feng Shui...you really should keep work and rest separate...

So I set up my desk in the living room...and this time I feng shui the desk top...

Now if your new to feng shui, I've posted a link at the bottom of this post where you can learn all about it.

Basically, it's all about aligning all the energies in your life.  So that you feel more balanced and attract all the things you want in your life...love, health, family, fortune, etc.

Imagine this is your desk...the top right is for relationships, put pics of you and your love...flowers or images of love in general.

To learn more...go here.

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