
Make-Up & DIY....?

by - September 05, 2012


1. Picture Frame...could be thrifted
2.  A piece of sheet metal (same size as frame) from hardware store
3.  Spray paint in the color of your choice
4. A bag of magnets...craft or hardware
5.  Plastic baskets from the Dollar Store

How to:

Pop out the back of your frame...Pop in sheet metal...spray it the color of your choice
 Glue small magnets to the back of your make-up
Glue small magnets to the back of plastic baskets
Attach make-up and baskets to board

I don't own much make-up...I never mastered the art of make-up application...when you see me, it's blush, mascara and maybe lip gloss if I'm feeling sexy...lol.  But, I'm sure you ladies can really take this idea and run with it.  I think it's so clever...and just imagine how pretty and organized your bathroom will look...just like the MAC counter in the department store...Heck, I may buy some make-up just to put it on display in my new bedroom.

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  1. Okay I love this enough to give it some real thought. I don't wear makeup often, but perhaps when my oldest moves out and I can reclaim more of the bathroom space and go for it. Gorgeous!

  2. I know, right? Easy, easy diy with huge impact...I love organization...How is your bedroom coming along?


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