Trend Spotting...

by - April 12, 2012

When you look at as many blogs as I will train your eye to spot trends...a trend is something that  more people than not find attractive.  I love trends in decorating...not so much when it comes to fashion.  I guess it comes from my passion for constantly changing my environment.  When it comes to fashion, I can wear the same clothes for 10 years...with a sprinkle of a fun trend here and there and I'm happy.

The latest decor trend I'm feeling right now is this...huge canvases painted a single bright primary color.  So clean and fresh...especially when you have white walls.  If your in a rental where you can't put paint directly onto the walls...this may be for you...get the color you want without the commitment.

buy canvas here
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  1. OMG! You have no idea how long I've been looking for a canvas. Thank you lol.

  2. smile...your welcome...have a great weekend...painting?

  3. Love these simple but really makes an impact.


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