
Video Tuesday...Let's see what it takes to reupholster that ugly chair you have at home

by - October 25, 2011

...Okay.  Now you know why you have to pay the big bucks to have anything re-upholstered...Or maybe this inspires you to take a class...I would so take this class  in a heart beat if I had just a little more disposable income.  Maybe I'll just put it on my Christmas list for Santa...

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  1. This inspires me to pay someone to do it :)

  2. O.k..Shannon, you got it...after I take the class, you can pay me...smile.

  3. Well I wish I could grant your wish...The best I can do is give you a free YT upholstery class on line. The following link is the YT course.


    And the guy who gives these lessons has a website here...


    If I see a better class(free) online I'll let you know.

    what a skill? Even if you specialized in small footstools one could make a great living.

  4. Thanks Sandra...those links are good...


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