Spring Dreaming...

by - April 19, 2011

A new LOWES store opened in my neighborhood and I can't wait to visit their nursery and purchase flowers for my terrace...what's stopping me?  ...the weather!  It's awful here in NYC, cold and rainy again today...sigh...so I guess these images will have to do until spring decides to show it's pretty face.

I love this color pink...hum...and the flowers...I normally plant flowers, but this year I'm inspired by all the green in the second photo...that space has no flowers at all...and Mini has allergies...so I may try an all green space this year...Won't really know until I go to LOWES...

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  1. Sigh... a terrace, patio, I wish. The weather is terrible here, I need sunshine bad! How is the bedroom stencil project coming along? You know I haven't forgotten about. : )

  2. smile...I haven't forgotten about it either...but, for some reason my room collects all the cast offs of the apartment...and every time I think about starting that project I get overwhelmed with all the stuff that's in the way...Mini returns to school next week...so I'll have my days free again and I'll get too it...


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