
Are your throwing away your cans? Just look at what you could be doing with them...

by - March 24, 2011

...this is a really easy DIY...rinse tin cans and spray paint...any color you like...Too Cool.

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  1. *hits head with a "why didn't I think of this" moment...

    I'm so doing this!

  2. OMGness!! my coffee cans that pay $7.00 for? I am SO doing this!! thx

  3. Mini want's purple cans on her desk...I've got a stash...I'm saving to spray white and put all my herb plants in on my terrace this summer...Just punch holes in the bottom for drainage...

  4. ok ta! daaa! I did it!!
    they are drying..I did white...quick question: how many coats did you do?

  5. Misspretty...I did 2 coats...let dry between coats...send me pics...and I'll post them...

  6. ok..I will take pics this evening! and send you...I like tis idea!! I also did little ones, from tomato cans for my desk to put paper clips in!! yaay!! Thank you and have a blessed day! Hi... Mini:)


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