Dreams Do Come True...

by - February 11, 2011

...Yesterday was an amazingly bitter sweet day.  Mini and I attended a press conference where it was announced that she is on her way to being cured of sickle cell disease. This is historic...so many lives will be saved because of Mini's bravery... Those of you who follow my blog are aware of my struggle and fight to save my daughter's life...for 14 years...not just my struggle but my families struggle too...Yesterday I just kept thinking that the one person who was there with me step by step in the trenches, my mom...she wasn't by my side to bask in his glory...and that saddened me...I know this was her prayer also...She loved my Mini so much...She took such pride in her strength and beauty...So, yes...this is wonderful but, I miss my mother...and I would give almost anything to hear her say, "I'm proud of you...you did it."  Yes we did mom...yes we did.

I think my cousin Toya summed Mini up best when she sent me this email yesterday....

How amazing! God is a miracle working God. Hunter has greatness written into her DNA!! She's blessed beyond measure. Such strength and already making history at only 14 years old! Her future has Blessed written all over it. I want to be just like her when I grow up! Lol- Love ya cuz!

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  1. I am very proud of you myself and extremely proud and inspired by Mini's courageousness and strength. She has a great future in front of her simply because she has the courage to live, fight and perseveres.

    God Bless you both,


  2. i heard and i am soooo happy...God is always good. ALWAYS. What a story. I am going to share with my 13 year old daughter. LOVE TO YOU BOTH!

  3. Wow. Simply Amazing! I just started following your blog about 1year ago. I never knew what Mimi's illness actually was. As one who has the strait for sickle cell, this is truely amazing! May God continue to comfort, love and bless you both. Thank you Mimi for being courageous!!


  4. This is beautiful. So happy for Mini and you. May God continue to bless the both of you.

  5. I am very happy for you. I was nearly in tears looking at this video. Thank God for wonderful donors and your daughters courageous spirit!

  6. Beautiful! Praise him for he provides all that we need. I'm so thrilled for you both.

  7. Wonderful news! You and Mini are an inspiration of strength and grace. My continued best goes out to you both.

  8. Asante' Sana (Thank you very much) for sharing your victory with us. God Is blessing you.


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