New Year Predictions for Aquarius...

by - January 04, 2011


Theme: You may be saying to yourself. . .It’s about time, Aquarius.  And you’re right!  The year 2011, first of all favors your zodiac sign.  Secondly, this 21 century is also considered the Age of Aquarius.  So when you throw the numerical factor favoring your sign this year into the pot, you come up with a tasty and mouth-watering recipe before it’s all over.  And to add icing to the cosmic cake, Jupiter will be in friendly aspects to affairs beginning January 22(under your sign), lasting through the first week of June.  Expect to set your sights higher If you happen to be born on the 8, 17 or 26 under this sign especially.  That makes it all the better.  I was born on the watch out world..

Relationship: Commitments of a serious nature, such as sharing living space, engagement or possible marriage seems to be in your stars this year. . .that is, if you happen to be so inclined.  Long lost loves or ex’s from the past may be hovering around your chart as well as a result of some event or possible reunion of some kind.  Capricorn and Librans are likely to capture your romantic imagination. Either way, it’s going to be one heck of a year in this area of your life during the months of March, July,, I won't even go there...

Career: And because conditions are ripe and ready, your work and career prospects will definitely see an upturn for the better.  Don’t be shy about going after any and all opportunities leading to a better advance or a bigger paycheck.  After all, who deserves it now more than you!  Take a definitive and proactive posture especially on Saturday’s, Friday’s and Thursday’s.  You won’t go wrong.  As for the months, look for February, June, July, September and November to get ahead.  ...I was just talking with the social worker at the hospital about new opportunities...hum.

Health**:  The knees, teeth or bones ah, yeah...Mini is getting a bone marrow transplant in some way may demand your attention this year.  Cutting back on your meat (red) intake will take a lot of stress off your digestive system especially if you can have two meatless days a week.  ..ah yeah, I haven't eaten red meat in 20 years... When going for check-ups, be sure to ask lots of questions.  January, May, July and October are key month for health issues. 
 and December.   

Get your reading here and click on Lloyd's 2011 Predictions....

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  1. I am loving your new header lady! The pic of you and your mini me is just classic. Such a treasure. I am going to check out my predictions now....I need some good news.

  2. Thank you Fellow Aquarius! I knew this year felt very different!


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