
B4 & After...?

by - July 15, 2010

Remember the shelf I found left out for the trash in my building...Well, I painted it white...you know I'm out of control with the white paint...and I'm not so sure I'm loving it...probably should have left it brown...sigh...what to do, what to do...Guess I will strip it at some point...but for know I'll just enjoy it. Do you see my mom and dad's wedding picture? A short wedding dress, how cute...you know it was the 60's...and how fly was my dad with the white shirt and white tie? When I find more pictures I'll do a post on family weddings...

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  1. I really like it. And I am usually ALL color. You did good....it is lovely. Love how you decorated it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love how the shelf turned out! It LOOKS GOOD! And yes, your dad was FLY! And what is better than that? FLY-ERRR! You! :)

  4. yeah, i think i'm feeling it too. the entire setup just works. but i know that feeling. it's a personal thing.

    i've taken apar and re-did dresses that others just adored, so...

    yeah. mom and dad were pretty fly! :-)

  5. Just browsing thru your blog and already I feel inspired to do something with my boring apartment. Thank you!


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