
A June Bride?

by - June 09, 2010

I read on a blog yesterday that my favorite store, Anthropologie is starting a bridal line...spring 2011...that got me thinking about weddings and it is June after all...so if my wedding were today...this is what it would look like...

...the bottom of the dress would look like this...not sure about the top...and those shoes, definitely, those shoes.

...the cake simple and sweet...it should taste better than it looks...and you know I love a chalk board wall for fun at the reception...

...bridesmaid...or maids...you will wear your dress again!

A stone church with a garden, sigh.

...flowers, clear and simple...probably peonies, my favorite.

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  1. hey! how have you been! it's been a while since i dropped by soul pretty - as usual, i'm in love with the images...where is that long colourful dress from in this post? it's sooooo perfect for summer - i need it!


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