
i'm having a "Mahogany" moment...

by - February 21, 2010

...This is a must see movie for any designer, designer in training, artist or just about anyone who loves a great love story with a fashion plot...What could be better than Diana Ross as a girl from a Chicago ghetto trying to make her design dreams come true...(according the the internet, Diana Ross designed most of the clothes in the movie herself) Billy Dee Williams plays her on again off again Chicago, community organizer boyfriend (Hum, did Obama watch this movie as a kid?)...and Anthony Perkins is her closeted gay, svengalhi, sp.? Oh yeah, it was directed by Berry Gordy former owner of Motown...When I saw this movie as a kid I was well on my way of dreaming about being a designer, but seeing this movie sealed the deal for me...there was nothing else I wanted to be...well, besides a mom...smile...If you get the chance check it out, you won't be disappointed...think I'll watch it again tonight...

My cousin took me out for drinks and dinner last night, thanks "S"...good times...I woke up with a little bit of a hangover and a lot of inspiration...I'm going out again next weekend...this is the birthday that doesn't end...I feel like Mini...So, i decided to drape this old fabric and fashion it into something I could wear next weekend...It's mahogany inspired...

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  1. This is one of my favorite movies. Isn't Ms. Ross the Boss! That song was one of my favorite songs as well. Thanks for bringing it back to my memory. Now I will not be able to rest until I see it again!

  2. Its so funny that you posted this beside aside from me being Diana Ross OBSESSED- I just watched this movie. Billy Dee and Miss Ross. Le Sigh.

  3. 1. will definitely be checking this film out (somehow never heard of it before now)

    2. very sophisticated drape project! certainly grown & sexy.

    3. it's just a wonderful feeling to be able to do that..."whip up something" to wear out or to an occassion.


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