
Musical Inspiration for the People of Haiti...

by - January 13, 2010

...I don't know how much more a country can endure...but, I do know my best friends in the world are Haitian...I can tell you they are the most beautiful, caring, hardworking, intelligent people I have ever met...they are a people with a rich history of suffering and survival without much help...Today... I just wish they knew that real help is on the way...if this had to happen, it could not have happened at a better time...the eyes and hearts of the world are on Haiti...and with President Obama in the White House, I'm expecting change...real change, change that we can believe in...If not, what's the point. Help is coming.

Text Haiti to 90999 to give $10 to the Red Cross for Haiti

Call the State Department for information about missing friends or relatives 1888 407-4747

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