A Day in the LIfe of Mini and Mommy

by - November 17, 2009

Yesterday was clinic day...I waited in the car for Mini to get off the school bus and rushed to the clinic before it closed...

...made it.

Most kids would use this as an opportunity to get out of doing homework...not Mini. Smile.

...watched t.v. while waiting for the nurses...

...we always take advantage of the free snacks...I think Mini only comes for the free snacks...smile.

...Finally, Nurse A is ready...she has been Mini's nurse since Mini was around 3 years old...we heart Nurse A.

...all the tubes need to be filled with blood...Ugh!

Mini's port is being accessed...Mini actually spoke to her class about her medical condition for the first time...Her class is so supportive...she didn't expect that...Yeah!

...It was dark when we left...sigh...

...still had to make dinner...Yum, quick Chinese on a paper plate was all I could muster...

Oh yes...I made cupcakes earlier in the day...somehow I knew it would be a cupcake kinda day...We'll be back in the clinic tomorrow for the actual treatment...all of this was just in preparation for Mini's treatment...Wow. I know...it's crazy every 4 weeks...some kids and their parents do it everyday...but, as my poster says, "keep calm and carry on". I saw that poster on bandaids of all things...think I'll get some for the nurses for Christmas.

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  1. Best of luck to you and your daughter. I said a prayer for your continued strength. <3

  2. Your meals always look so dang scrumptious! I need some tips, please! :-)

  3. what a day, what a day!

    i admire the strength of you both.


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