
by - March 05, 2009

I've been tagged by one of my favorite blogs, My Notting Hill here goes:

6 random things about Soul Pretty

1. I listen to NPR all day...even in the car...it drives Mini crazy.
2. I'm looking forward to joining the Peace Corps when Mini is grown.
3. I don't like cats...when I see them on someone's blog it makes my skin crawl.
4. I once auditioned for a t.v. design show...I didn't get the part and the show was short lived.
5. I heart going to the movies alone...don't really like company at the movies unless were makin' out...I can count on two hands the number of movies Mini and I have been to together...I really can't take the kiddie movies...
6. Mini has the Jazmine Sullivan song, "Lions and Tigers and Bears" on repeat in her room and it's driving me crazy...Man, I can't believe I almost missed out on this life experience...Just being a Mom>

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  1. Cool blog! First visit I think.

  2. Great to hera...love the random blod posts...too!
    lamaisonfou blog

  3. Fun facts! Do you happen to listen to the Diane Rehm show in the am?

  4. ok...now i've got another great blog to check out! i have more interest in looking at home interior spaces than fashion (clothing) magazines/blogs, etc.

    so funny what you wrote about cats. i didn't like them *until* i started seeing them on people's blogs.

    yeah, i'm the same way about the movies. seems like whenever i go with someone, all they wanna do is give commentary on every other part. so annoying.


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