
Italian Vogue, The Black Issue

by - August 04, 2008

Look what I found...Italian Vogue, The Black Issue...It is sold out all over the city...I found it in Hue Man Bookstore in Harlem. http://www.huemanbookstore.com/

This magazine is all about the Black Model...It's full of high fashion editorials...My only regret...I don't read Italian...All the articles are in Italian...The photos are beautiful...here's a sneak peek inside...

Tocarra from America's Next Top Model/BET has a 6 page spread in the Mag...You go girl.

Miss Naomi, looking as grown and sexy as she wants to be...

Like I said, it's loaded with "high fashion editorials".

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  1. i'm super jealous you got your hands on a copy! i can't find it anywhere! but my name is 4th on a list at a magazine shop across from my job - they should be getting more. apparently they were sold out BEFORE they hit shelves because people had been reserving them. thatnks for the sneak peek - the photos look gorgeous!

  2. Fabulous! I wonder if they put a different cover pic on each issue...You know they are supposed to be doing like a mass reprinting, right! I'm so glad I snagged my issue when I did!


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