
Finds of the Weekend

by - April 22, 2008

I stopped by my local Salvation Army after picking my daughter up from drama and dance lessons and look what I found...I didn't buy anything...I have no more room...I need to open my store...I'm putting it out there in the Universe...Universe, are you listening....? Of course you are...Anywho...

This beautiful iron and glass Shabby Chic table...another $29.99, Yes!

This cane back chair is just $29.00...Yes! Can you imagine the seat covered in the Ikea fabric pictured below...I know you can...HOT~

Photobucket Photobucket
This curved sectional on legs in perfect condition (I bet some old lady lovingly protected it with plastic for years) only $110.00 bucks...Yeah baby...Just image this sofa covered in some funky Ikea printed fabric...but, I have no room....UGH!

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  1. That chair brings back memories it reminds me of something my mother had.

  2. YES! Please open the store so I can come shop! I have no more room for buying anything more either, but that's never stopped me before, lol. I like to change up my decor so much, I end up cycling items! You are probably tired of my comments by now, but since I just discovered ur blog recently, I have been going thru it page by page every day when I have time! Please forgive me if I'm becoming a big fat nuisance! :-D


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