
Nike + iPod Sport Kit

by - April 18, 2008

Walked 2 miles yesterday and burned 238 calories...Yeah!

I purchased this gadget last summer and I love it...it talks to you, motivates you, changes your music, tells you how far you've run or walked and home many calories you burned...bring it home and attach it to the ipod dock and it downloads your stats so you can keep track or compare your work out with other Nike +iPod owners all over the world...It's hot...too bad the sneakers are not...definately not sexy...

Nike + iPod Sport Kit - $29.00 http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID?mco=MjI5Nzc&fnode=home&nplm=MA365LL/B

Transform your iPod nano into a personal workout coach with the Nike + iPod Sport Kit. This wireless sensor and receiver combination works exclusively with your Nike+ shoes and iPod nano to give you real-time feedback during workouts and let you track your performance on your Mac or PC.



TuneInsert the wireless sensor inside the custom, built-in pocket beneath the insole of your Nike+ shoe, then plug the receiver into the Dock connector on your iPod nano.


Now start your workout. As your run or walk, the sensor sends information to your iPod nano, tracking your time, distance, pace, and calories burned. If you choose, real-time, spoken feedback can even alert you to milestones throughout your workout.

Back at your computer, sync your iPod nano to transfer your workout data to iTunes and nikeplus.com. There, you can evaluate your performance history, set goals, and even challenge other runners to a virtual race.

You can purchase it anywhere...Modells, Dicks, Target, etc....easy to find...

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