
I promise...this music will get your head right...try it.

by - April 02, 2008

As a kid growing up in NYC, this is the music of my youth...saturday's spent at the roller skating rink...wearing suede pumps, my one and only pair of Jordache jeans and my sheepskin coat that I worked all summer to get...We would skate all night, and walk home (in pumps, with blistered feet) at 3:30 in the morning through one of the toughest neighborhoods in NYC...When I think about it now, that's not what me and my friends experienced it or lived it...although it was and still is hell for some, but for us...it was great...We just kept skating and stayed out of trouble.

The last song on the podcast was my JAM! All Night Thang' by the Invisible Mans Band...when that song came on...I was in another world and don't try to bring me back to yours...I don't wanna go...I wanna stay right here...lol.

Click this link to check it out:
Rip the Rink 80

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